
Wellness Exam and Biomarkers Test

Before considering biomarkers testing, you’d probably first like to know: what are biomarkers? Well, our body is composed of microscopic particles called cells, and they perform vital functions that keep us alive. Our cells also indicate whether something is wrong in our body by producing certain chemicals called biomarkers.

We can learn a lot about our health and wellness by testing our blood, sweat, or urine for these biomarkers. For example, micronutrient testing can tell us whether we are deficient in insulin, iron, or magnesium. With this information, you can make dietary and lifestyle changes to improve your health.

Unfortunately, access to biomarkers tests is often limited, as they are usually only available through a doctor’s office or hospital. At Care Performance Clinic, we offer a variety of at-home or office visits with results of vital biomarkers and wellness tests.

What is Biomarkers Testing?

A biomarkers test is a type of wellness exam that can be used to assess your health, provide thorough analysis of your nutrition, and identify any potential problems. Our team of expert and licensed laboratory technicians will conduct the micronutrient testing and work with you to determine micronutrient deficiency and recommend you to a physician who can help you make the necessary changes to improve your health. Book your appointment with us today to get started on your journey to optimal health!

Why Should You Measure Your Biomarkers with Biomarkers

Biomarkers are used to identify and track various health conditions. Medical professionals use them to diagnose diseases, assess risk factors, and monitor treatment progress. Measuring your biomarkers through biomarkers testing can help you to:

  • Understand how your body is functioning
  • Detect early signs of illness or disease
  • Monitor the progress of a chronic condition
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of a new medication or treatment
  • Make lifestyle changes to improve your health

By knowing your biomarkers, you can take proactive steps to improve your health and well-being before a problem becomes serious and untreatable. A biomarkers test is a highly recommended and beneficial form of preventative care.

Get the Best and Most Convenient Micronutrient Testing

Traditionally, you can only identify micronutrient deficiency by using a nutrition lab test in a tertiary hospital, which can be expensive and inconvenient.

You’ll never again need to worry about the rising cost of micronutrient testing because you can access the best micronutrient testing without shedding a lot of money with our biomarkers test panel. Our biomarkers testing panels can do mineral deficiency tests, vitamin deficiency tests, and nutrition blood tests.

Specifically, it will look for the following vital bio-markers:

  • Vitamin levels
  • Hormone levels
  • Mineral levels
  • Protein levels
  • and more!

Test for Mineral Deficiency and Micronutrient Deficiency Today

You probably searched “micronutrient testing near me” on Google before you stumbled here.Luckily, your search for a competent, honest, and reliable nutrition testing and biomarkers testingclinic has come to an end!

At Care Performance Clinic, we care about our performance in assisting you with your overall health and wellbeing. Our medical team offers the most convenient and affordable micronutrient testing services you can do in no time. All you need is a small blood sample, sweat, or urine, and our team of expert laboratory technicians will do the rest.

If you’re ready to take control of your health, book your appointment with us today!

Questions about Biomarkers Testing or Micronutrient Testing?

If you have questions about any of the lab and blood work testing that we offer, then please feel free
to reach out to the Care Performance Clinic team. We are happy to answer your questions and
concerns about these services and we hope to see you in our labs soon!


Do we accept insurance?

Yes we do, we also welcome out of pocket payments. If you don’t have access to yourinsurance card at the time of your visit we can help you mail your receipt to your insurancecompany for reimbursement.

Can we provide life saving care?

No, in cases of emergency please call 911 or your healthcare provider, we cannot provideservices outside of our listed services and specialties.

What do we specialize in?

We provide our patients with the convenience and access to      exceptional, affordable mobilehealthcare such as testing for illnesses, basic health screenings, slip and fall care, medicationreview, type 2 diabetes management, hormone therapy and weight loss treatments. In person,virtual and mobile visits are available.

Will our services be priced like an ER / urgent care visit?

Our services are the same cost, if not lower than an in-person medical visit. We strive to be theaffordable option for your patients.

Can we prescribe medication?

Yes, you can have your prescription filled through your preferred pharmacy or we can fill it foryou!
